NASA Mars Life News Conference Audio

Hint: Set your RealAudio player to a baud rate of 14.4 and the connection mode to UDP for mission audio transmissions.

Listen to the Briefing

Life on Mars? Here's your chance to eavesdrop on the news conference explaining the results of NASA's recent scientific investigation.

NASA and Houston Chronicle Interactive have teamed up to present realtime audio coverage of the briefing at noon central time, Aug 7, 1996. From the HCI site, you can also listen to recorded audio after the briefing.

About RealAudio

RealAudio provides live and on-demand real-time audio over 14.4Kbps or faster Internet connection. The RealAudio Player is free, and it's available for Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms. Download the freeware player from the RealAudio site. Installation and operating instructions are also available there. If your computer is protected by a firewall, the firewall must be configured to allow RealAudio. More information about system requirements and firewalls is available at RealAudio.

Houston Chronicle Interactive
Houston Chronicle Interactive

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Curator: Annie Platoff
Responsible NASA Official: Kelly Humphries
Last Updated: Updated 6 Augus